Saturday, April 13, 2024

What happens when you subscribe to a YouTube channel (Complete Guide)

Have you observed that after we watch a video a message is popped-up or the creator requests “Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button!”, very common in YouTube videos.

What happens when you subscribe to a YouTube channel

Subscribing to a YouTube channel is an easy way to receive instant updates and follow our favorite YouTubers. To stay informed and connected online, subscribing is a way forward.

Once we subscribe, we’ll notice a list of recommended channels on our screen. 

They are based on related channels that we have not yet subscribed to. We always have access to a channel’s content before subscribing.

Is It Dangerous to Subscribe to a YouTube Channel

What happens when you subscribe to a YouTube channel, Nothing, it is safe to subscribe to a YouTube channel since you and the channel both are benefited in a way to receive instant updates and follow your favorite YouTubers.

To stay informed and connected online, subscribing is a way forward.

When You Subscribe to a YouTube Channel Do You Have to Pay

  1. No, most YouTube channel subscriptions are free of cost, you hit the subscribe button and you’re a subscriber.
  1. Recently, YouTube announced a new feature to help creators monetize their content. Please read this article from CNBC click here to know more.

When You Subscribe to a YouTube Channel, Do They Know

If we set our subscriptions to private, our accounts are incognito in a channel’s Subscribers List, even if we are subscribed.

If we choose our subscription set to public, our subscriptions are listed on the channel homepage. You can make your subscription public or private in a few easy steps:

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Go to the top right, and hit on your profile picture.
  3. Tap on Settings.
  4. In the left Menu, choose Privacy.
  5. Turn on to Keep your subscriptions private.
  6. Turn off to keep your subscription public
What happens when you subscribe to a YouTube channel?
What happens when you subscribe to a YouTube channel?

I Accidentally Subscribed to Someone on YouTube

What happens when you subscribe to a YouTube channel and we want to unsubscribe, we are free to unsubscribe anytime by following an easy and simple procedure.

  1. Log in to YouTube.
  2. Proceed to a video whose channel we wish to unsubscribe.
  3. Below the video player, click Subscribed Unsubscribe.
  4. At the bottom of the screen, we will notice a notification confirming we had unsubscribed.

What Does Subscribing to a YouTube Channel Do for the Creator

Just like any other social networking media increased subscribers will popularise the creator and encourage them to create more content. Hope now you know What happens when you subscribe to a YouTube channel read more.

  1. More subscribers mean more views for our videos and higher chances of monetization.
  1. Key metrics to estimate success on YouTube is by checking the number of subscribers our channel has

How to Subscribe on YouTube without an Account

We need a google account to subscribe, without an account we can only view videos and get URLs to save and share, login is not required, hence no account is required.

FAQ: What happens when you subscribe to a YouTube channel

Does it cost money to subscribe to a YouTube channel?

No, most YouTube channels do not ask for money for subscriptions. Recent news reports suggest YouTube will soon begin subscription fees for premium YouTubers.

What is the benefit of subscribing to a YouTube channel?

There are plenty of benefits for subscribers, for instance, we are always updated to know about other benefits visit Adlava


Once subscribed to a YouTube channel we will be always served with content we like. YouTube operates similarly to search engines like Google, hence YouTube will recommend more videos of similar content to the channel we already have a subscription.

Now we know the benefits of a YouTube channel subscription and what happens when you subscribe to a YouTube channel had been answered, subscribe to your favorite YouTube channels immediately.

Please share your thought in the comments now.

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Saurav Goswami
Saurav Goswami
Saurav is best known for his insights on B2B market penetration, customer delight, and marketing intelligence. He loves to write in his free time and digital marketing is his new passion. To know more connect with him on Linkedin

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